First Time Homebuyer Workshop
EXIT Realty New Horizons invites first time homebuyers to attend a free 90 minute workshop to help answer their many questions. Find out what options are available to finance a first home; learn about steps that can be taken to prepare for home ownership and gain the insights that will make a first home purchase as successful as possible.
"It is a delight to watch the excitement grow as participants learn the facts about buying their first home," said David Kafitz, Broker-in-Charge of EXIT Realty New Horizons. "They are able to see a path to home ownership for the first time." The workshop is taught by Avery Blevins, George Schodowski and David Kafitz, Avery is a mortgage broker with Foundation Mortgage Corporation and George Schodowski and David Kafitz are Realtors and Co-Founders of the New Horizons Team at EXIT Realty New Horizons.
Before you can start looking at homes you need to know what you can afford! Credit is a key factor in getting approved for a mortgage. Avery educates you on habits that will build your credit before the EXIT Realty New Horizons Team dives into what goes on during the search and purchase of a home!
This free workshop is open to the public, but space is limited. Interested residents can reserve their seats by registering online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/first-time-homebuyer-workshop-tickets-693680887207?aff=oddtdtcreator
About EXIT Realty: EXIT Realty is a company founded and built on human potential. A full service, forward-thinking, real estate franchisor with offices across North America, EXIT has to-date paid out more than a half a billion dollars in single-level residual income to its associates. A portion of every transaction fee received by EXIT Realty Corp. International is applied to its charitable fund, and to-date, $7 million has been allocated to charity. For more information, please visit www.exitrealty.com and www.joinexitrealty.com.
EXIT Realty New Horizons is located at 914 Richland St. Suite B-201 Columbia, SC 29201. For more information, please call 803-678-7110 or visit our website https://exitnewhorizons.com.

Date and Time
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EDT
Foundation Mortgage Corporation
2330 Devine St.
Columbia, SC 29205
Free to the public.
Register here to attend: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/first-time-homebuyer-workshop-tickets-693680887207?aff=oddtdtcreator
Contact Information
David Kafitz, Broker, EXIT Realty New Horizons
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